To Our Honorable Patrons,

The Men’s Glee Club of New York (“MGCNY”) was established in 1991 as a male choir that focused primarily on Japanese choral music. We have since expanded our core mission to include the following statements:

  • To introduce the Japanese choral music to the American public through live public performances.

  • To provide opportunity for the American singers to sing in Japanese.

  • To educate the Japanese-born expats to sing American choral music in English.

  • Through the above 3 core missions, to share music that are historically and culturally significant amongst the public and the people of Japan and the United States.

  • To foster an understanding of the joy of music, and diversity amongst the singers, audience, and the communities we serve.

To strengthen the necessary funding to achieve our mission for years to come, we have decided

to incorporate ourselves as a non-profit educational and charitable organization and apply for

public, state and national grants. We still have a long road ahead of us and must continue to

rely on your kind and generous support. Your contribution will make a tremendous impact to

the quality of our instructions, program and events, and provides motivation for our members.

Thank you for your consideration.

Takayuki Shimizu, President

NY Dansei Gassho, Inc. (dba The Men’s Glee Club of New York)