The Men’s Glee Club of New York
ニューヨーク男声合唱団(MGCNY)は、ニューヨーク地区でただひとつの日系男声4部合唱団。 当団は1991年にニューヨーク駐在員を中心に結成され、一時期の活動休止を経て2010年に再結成されました。2022年に、米国税局501(c)(3)の申請が承認され、NPO法人化。多田武彦の組曲をはじめ、ゴスペル、クラシック、民謡、J-POPなどを歌っています。2013-2014年にはNew York Mets、そして2014-2016年にはNew York Yankeesに招待され、公式戦でアメリカ合衆国国歌を演奏しております。日米合唱祭、等でのカーネギー大ホールでの演奏も経験しております。
The Men’s Glee Club of New York (MGCNY) was established in 1991. MGCNY is reputably the male-only choir in New York that primarily sings in Japanese. The group suspended its activities in 2000, but resumed activities in 2010. US Department of Treasury approved form 501(c)(3) on Oct 21st in 2022 so that MGCNY is a NPO corporation.
Our diverse repertoire includes classical music, gospel, folk songs, pop music, and suite for male choir mainly in Japanese, but also in English, German, Finish, Ukrainian, and others.
Another distinct feature of the glee club tradition is that many songs are sang A Capella (without accompaniment). As is with our former years, MGCNY will sing all songs a cappella, except those in the pop music stage which will sometimes feature the guest instrumentalists.
Still, as an amateur group, MGCNY’s primary focus has been to share the joy of music with its New York audience, as well as serve as an vehicle for understanding between Japan and United States. The group participates in many choral festivals. In the past, MGCNY has been invited by The New York Mets to sing the American National Anthem (2013 & 2014), and by The New York Yankees (2014-2016).
We practice Fridays at 7.00-9.00 pm in midtown Manhattan.
We always welcome visitors to take a look at our practice. Please join us anytime if you are interested in.
お問い合わせは info@mgcny.net から。
Contact us at info@mgcny.net
NY Dansei Gassho, Inc. Board of Directors
Takayuki Shimizu, President
Toshihito Sasao, Secretary
Gaku Aizawa, Treasurer
NY Dansei Gassho, Inc. Senior Leadership
Please click here to view curriculum vitae of our Senior Leadership.